Bowie Internal Medicine

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Primary Care Physician Near Me

A primary care physician near me can diagnose and treat a wide range of common illnesses and conditions. Your primary care physician is typically your first point of contact with any illness. If you require a more specialized care, they will refer you to the appropriate physician.

Primary Care Physician Near Me

Also known as a general practice doctor, primary care physicians offer other benefits as well. For instance, they typically treat the entire family, so they have a more thorough knowledge of medical history. This makes it easier for them to make a diagnosis and spot warning signs early on.

Additionally, primary care physicians have a plethora of medical education and training and have years of experience in identifying, diagnosing, and treating many common illnesses. Some of those include the following.

High or Low Blood Pressure

 A common issue is high or low blood pressure. This is also a serious condition. It can lead to heart disease, kidney failure, and other critical conditions. Therefore, a primary care physician near me checks a patient’s blood pressure at every appointment.


There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. A primary care physician can diagnose and treat diabetes and can even help you reverse type 2 diabetes.


If you have been feeling pain for a significant length of time, you should make an appointment with a primary care physician near me. Pain can be a symptom of countless conditions, but your provider will know which testes to conduct to find the root of your pain.


Migraines affect millions of people. These intense, painful headaches can often be debilitating. Your primary care physician can help you manage your migraine headaches.

High Cholesterol

High blood cholesterol can lead to many problems. Certain factors like diet, weight and lack or regular exercise can increase your risk of high cholesterol. Your provider can help you control your cholesterol levels through lifestyle changes or prescribe medication when necessary.


Asthma is a chronic lung disease that typically starts in childhood. It causes chronic shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. There are many factors that cause asthma, like genetics.


Bronchitis is a common ailment. It is the result of inflammation in the air passageways. Many people mistake it for a common cold due to the similarity in symptoms.

Bladder Infections

If left untreated, bladder infections can become very serious. Bladder infection, or UTI, is the cause of over 8 million visits to a primary care physician each year.

Additional Illnesses & Conditions

An individual might also see a primary care physician near me for the following:

·         Broken bones

·         Sprains

·         Skin conditions

·         Cuts and scrapes

·         Swelling in the legs or arms

·         ADHD

·         Cancer screenings

·         Menopause

·         Sexually transmitted diseases

·         Contraception

·         Pap smear

·         Minor burns

·         Allergies

·         Fungus issues

·         Nosebleeds

·         Fever

·         Ear infections

·         Preventative care

·         Vaccines

Best Primary Care Physician Near Me

A primary care physician offers complete medical care for the whole family. If you need to see a doctor, contact Bowie Internal Medicine today.