Doctor That Listens to Your Problems Maryland

On average, doctors only spend 11 seconds listening to a patient. 11 seconds! Are you tired of being rushed during your appointment? Do you feel like your doctor doesn’t hear a word you say? While some doctors are poor communicators, the doctors at Bowie Internal Medicine will listen to your problems. Here’s how to make the most of your doctor’s visit.

Take Notes

If you have an idea of what you want to talk about during your appointment, write it down before you go. Write down the questions you want to ask and make sure that you get to talk about your concerns. Having your health story ready. Explain when your symptoms started, if you have experienced it before, what you were doing when it happened, how it felt, and how often you experience it. This gives the doctor a more accurate picture of what’s going on with you.


Be straightforward and honest with your doctor. If you feel like the doctor isn’t listening, you should speak up about it. For example, you can say:

·        “Can you help me understand X?

·        “I’m worried that we aren’t communicating well. Here’s why I feel this way.”

·        “I understand that you’re busy, but I need to discuss X with you. Can we schedule an appointment for a longer talk?”

You may also want to consider bringing a friend or family member with you to the appointment. Another person may catch things you didn’t or ask questions you didn’t think of. You should also ask about the best way to contact your doctor with follow-up questions.

[Related: Choosing a Primary Care Doctor]

Honest and Accurate

Be honest with your doctor about your concerns. Sometimes people may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable speaking openly about their issue. Whether it involves, drug or alcohol use, or is sexual in origin, you need to be honest and open with your doctor. How can your physician diagnose and treat your problem without accurate information? Being honest and accurate will greatly impact your visit.

Give Honest Feedback

After your appointment, give honest feedback about your experience with the doctor. At the end of your appointment, say something like “I want to make sure I understand. What you want me to do is this.” You can also tell your doctor honestly if you think something about the visit could be improved. Most offices have comment cards or a way to leave reviews. This is a great way to address concerns you have with the care or highlight the great aspects of your visit.

A Doctor Who Listens in Bowie Maryland

You should always feel comfortable and heard during your appointment. If you can’t improve the communication problem, it’s time to find a new provider. You deserve a doctor that listens to your problems and makes your feel comfortable and confident in your diagnosis and treatment like the providers at Bowie Internal Medicine.