Family Medicine vs Best Internal Medicine Maryland

When searching for a new doctor, you may come across internal medicine practices and wonder what internal medicine doctors do. Learn all about internal medicine and how to find the best internal medicine in Maryland.

What is Internal Medicine?

Internal medicine physicians exclusively treat adults, which enables them to focus more on issues that affect only adults. They use laboratory science to evaluate conditions, yet still provide patient-centered, sensitive care.

These providers not only provide everyday health care but also treatment for chronic and complex medical conditions. Common conditions treated by internists include diabetes, high blood pressure, or GI conditions.

Having these conditions treated by the best internal medicine Maryland doctor bridges the gap between specialty care and primary care.

What Training is Required for the Best Internal Medicine?

Internal medicine derives from the German word innere medizin, inspired by German physicians who realized that having extensive knowledge of bacteriology, physiology, and pathology helped them treat patients.

Today, Internists complete medical school and enter a residency for internal medicine that lasts three years. Once this residency is completed, the doctor can practice or continue training in a subspecialty, such as gastroenterology.

Do Internal Medicine Doctors Do Annual Exams?

Absolutely! Internal medicine doctors provide both routine care and care for more complex conditions. So, you may visit your internist both for your annual exam and to adjust your medication.

What’s the Difference Between Family Medicine and Internal Medicine?

While most of the patients of family physicians are adults, these doctors can see patients of any age. Just as parents usually choose a pediatrician for their child’s care, many adults are choosing doctors who specialize in the care of adults.

Apart from this distinction, internal medicine doctors have more extensive training in endocrinology, rheumatology, neurology, and infectious diseases. This knowledge informs their practice of medicine and poises them to treat complex conditions.

Best Internal Medicine Maryland

If you’re looking for a primary care provider in internal medicine, look no further than the providers at Bowie Internal Medicine. Click here to schedule an appointment.