How to Treat Hemorrhoids

Approximately 1 in 20 Americans experience hemorrhoids, a topic that often induces discomfort in discussions. While some individuals may shy away from talking about medical issues altogether, gaining knowledge about conditions like hemorrhoids is crucial for understanding proper treatment and improving one's well-being.

How to Treat Hemorrhoids

If you develop hemorrhoids, there are many different treatment approaches to consider. People have varying preferences regarding the type of treatments they find comfortable. Many prefer starting with less invasive methods before exploring other options. Here are some choices for addressing your hemorrhoids:

  • Lifestyle changes

  • Home remedies

  • Medications

  • Medical procedures

It's important to note that there are various ways to address the issue, and the suitability of specific options depends on the severity of your hemorrhoids. Always consult with your doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment for your situation.

Lifestyle and Dietary Changes to Treat Hemorrhoids

To prevent future hemorrhoids and alleviate the severity of existing ones, consider making specific lifestyle and dietary adjustments. Incorporate the following changes:

  • Stay Hydrated: Consume at least six to eight glasses of water daily to keep stools soft and facilitate easier passage. Regular water intake offers additional natural health benefits.

  • Fiber Supplements: If your diet lacks sufficient fiber, consider taking supplements to improve nutrient processing and enhance overall well-being.

  • Exercise: Engage in physical activity to prevent constipation and reduce strain during bowel movements, minimizing the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

  • Avoid Prolonged Sitting: Extended periods of sitting can exert pressure on veins, potentially leading to hemorrhoids. Take breaks to alleviate this strain.

Adopting these lifestyle changes can significantly decrease the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids.

Home Remedies That Treat Hemorrhoids

For those seeking immediate relief from hemorrhoid pain before consulting a doctor, several home remedies may offer temporary comfort. Consider the following options:

  • Soak in a warm bath

  • Use oral pain relief products

  • Consume high-fiber foods

These remedies may provide a brief respite, allowing you to regain some normalcy in your life and alleviate symptoms that seemed persistent.

Over-the-counter Medications

Your physician might suggest specific over-the-counter (OTC) medications to provide relief. These OTC options could encompass ointments, suppositories, creams, or pads. The recommended choices will typically be tailored to your unique medical circumstances based on your doctor's evaluation.

Medical Procedures

For individuals with severe hemorrhoid cases that surpass at-home or over-the-counter remedies, there are medical procedures available to mitigate the impact of hemorrhoids. These procedures may involve:

  • Rubber Band Ligation: A doctor places a rubber band around an internal hemorrhoid to cut off its circulation, causing it to wither and eventually detach.

  • Injection (sclerotherapy): A chemical solution is injected by the doctor to induce shrinkage of hemorrhoids. While reported as painless, it may not be as effective as rubber band ligation.

  • Coagulation (infrared, laser, or bipolar): This advanced technique employs infrared heat or light to target hemorrhoids. The procedure may cause some discomfort for the patient.

For those who haven't found relief through other methods, these procedures can be effective. Consult your doctor to discuss whether these options may be beneficial for your situation.

Treating Hemorrhoids in Maryland

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids or they continuously come back, we are here to help. Bowie Health Internal Medicine is committed to treating any conditions you may have, both in the office and through our telemedicine options. Contact us today to learn more.