Maryland and Medicinal Marijuana | Qualifying Conditions

medical marijuana maryland

 For those curious about Maryland and medical marijuana qualifying conditions look no further than this article.

Diagnosis is Important

In order to qualify for medical marijuana in the state of Maryland  a physician must diagnose you with a chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition which makes you eligible for marijuana treatment.

Below are some of the most common diseases or medical conditions which medical marijuana may be recommended for:

1.     Hospice care- If you have been admitted in to hospice care as a result of your disease you may qualify for medical marijuana

2.     Glaucoma- Medical marijuana can reduce pressure on the eye to prevent loss of vision.

3.     PTSD- Medical marijuana can be used to help reduce anxiety and fight depression due to PTSD.

4.     Cachexia-Also known as “wasting syndrome” this causes loss of appetite.

5.     Anorexia- An eating disorder which may prohibit a patient from eating.

6.     Chronic Pain- Medical marijuana has been found to alleviate chronic pain.

7.     Nausea- As medical marijuana does not have to be swallowed it can help alleviate the need to vomit.

8.     Seizures- Marijuana can help reduce seizures even in patients with epilepsy.

9.     Muscle Spasms- Medical marijuana can reduce inflammation and pain for patients suffering from involuntary muscle contractions.Where to Go to Qualify

If you fit in one or more of these qualifier categories and live in Maryland, you will want to first find a doctor who is authorized to recommend you for use of medical marijuana.

At Bowie Internal Medicine our providers are able to evaluate you in order to see if medical marijuana might be an option to help you on your health journey.

Medical Marijuana in Maryland

To learn more about Bowie Internal Medicine & Gastroenterology visit our website today to see our full list of treatment options, learn about our physicians or to schedule an appointment. You can also call Bowie Health today at (301)262-8188.