When Will Insurance Cover a Colorectal Screening in Maryland?

Have you heard the rumors that there is a new recommended age to go in for your first colonoscopy? If so, you are likely asking the question: when will insurance cover a colorectal screening in Maryland? We explore the answer, below.

What Age Should You Get Your First Colonoscopy?

The powers that be have recently changed the recommended age to screen for colorectal cancer from 50 to 45 years old.

However, if you have a past or family history of colorectal cancer you may want to go in for screening earlier on. Talk to your doctor about the best plan of action based on your individual risk factors.

Why Was the Age for Colorectal Cancer Screening Lowered?

Research has shown that lowering the screening age to 45 averted more early colorectal cancer deaths as the majority of young-onset diagnoses and deaths occur in the 45 to 49 age range.

By lowering the age to 45, more and more patients are able to detect this cancer early on.

Can I Receive a Screening If I Am Under 45?

Your doctor will be the best person to talk about going in for screening before age 45. However, there are many individuals as young as 20 and 30 who have tested positive for this cancer based on screening tests.

When Will Insurance Cover a Colorectal Screening in Maryland?

Insurance groups are required to cover any USPSTF recommended preventative services including colorectal cancer screening for patients ages 45 and up. This includes colonoscopies, stool tests, and other preventative procedures.

However, in many cases insurance will cover screening for younger patients if they are presenting symptoms of colorectal abnormalities.

Schedule Your Colorectal Screening Today

If you are looking for a board-certified physician with extensive experience with colorectal cancer screening look no farther than the providers at Bowie Internal Medicine. 

Schedule your screening appointment at Bowie Internal Medicine today by calling us at (301)262-8188.