Woman Health Care Near Me: Schedule Your Screenings Today

The female body requires specialized screenings to ensure early detection of common health concerns. This is why it is so important to seek out a woman health care office near you that offers these tests.

Below is your comprehensive guide to the female-focused screenings that you should keep in mind over the years.

Blood Pressure Screening

Beginning at age 40 you should have your blood pressure checked every two years or more depending on your results. 

Osteoporosis Screening

Bone density exams should be scheduled for patients over age 50.

Breast Cancer Screening

Patients who fall between the ages of 40 and 49 should schedule a mammogram each year or two to take a closer look at the area.

Additionally, many professionals encourage regular self-checks to monitor for any lumps or changes.

Cervical Cancer Screening

Beginning at age 21, patients should begin cervical cancer screening appointments with their health care provider.

Generally, most patients should receive a pap test every three years, although certain circumstances may require more frequent testing.

Physical Exam

Annual physical exams are one of the best ways to monitor for any changes in your health and to increase the chance for early detection of common health concerns. 

Cholesterol Monitoring

Female patients should begin screening for cholesterol levels around age 45.

Colorectal Cancer Screening

There are many ways to test a patient for colorectal cancer.

Speak with your doctor about the best test for you based on your family and past health history.

Women Health Care Near Me

At Bowie Internal Medicine we are committed to helping our patients deal with their health concerns so that they can live a happy and healthy life.

If you are interested in our female-focused screening services and would like to schedule a consultation, please call us today at (301) 262 – 8188.