Same-Day Appointments at a Family Practice Near Me

While it is ideal to have appointments scheduled ahead of time, sometimes that just isn’t an option. Sometimes things happen and you need to see a doctor right away. But what happens when you call your doctor and find out they’re booked solid? Some doctors choose to leave certain times throughout the day available for same-day scheduling to avoid this problem. If you are looking for same day appointments for a family practice in your area, contact Bowie Internal Medicine.


It is tricky to find the perfect balance between leaving open slots for same day appointments and scheduling efficiently. Patients don’t want to have to wait for long periods in the office, or when scheduling an appointment. Having a few slots available in the schedule to accommodate the patients with same-day needs can actually help the flow of patients already booked for appointments.

No More No-Show Appointments

No show appointments are quite expensive for providers, costing group practices more than $100 billion each year. Since the no-show rates for primary care can be as high as 18%, especially for practices that see patients with chronic illness or Medicaid insurance. While some practices charge a fee for no show appointments to help offset this issue, there is another option. These slots could be used to allow patients to schedule same day appointments which in turn helps the practice recoup some of the lost revenue. Some practices may offer telemedicine appointments for added convenience.  

Consistent Care

If you are unable to schedule a same day appointment, you may be forced to seek care at an emergency room, urgent care, or walk-in clinic. This can become very expensive, very quickly. Furthermore, patients who cannot use the emergency room or urgent care, may simply wait, and not get the care they need. This could lead to further illness or serious complications. Instead, allowing patients to schedule same-day appointments will help them to receive quality, consistent care at a lower cost. This benefits the patient and the physician.

Same Day Appointments at a Family Practice Near Me

Even the best planners can’t plan for everything. Sometimes waiting several days, or even a week or more, for an appointment is not an option. If you need a same day appointment at a family practice in your area, please contact Bowie Internal Medicine today!