6 Ways to Help Relieve Spring Allergies

Spring is officially here and along with growing flowers, warmer temperatures and longer days come runny noses and itchy, watery eyes for the millions of Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies.

Allergies typically occur when the immune system misidentifies harmless substances, like pollen, as a threat and tries to fight them off. The congestion you experience is your body’s immune system battling what it perceives as a danger.

Seasonal allergies, or hay fever and allergic rhinitis, can make you miserable. But with proper preparation, you can enjoy the great outdoors.

Here are six ways to help relieve spring allergies.

Monitor Pollen Count

If you’ve had spring allergies in the past, you can expect to have difficulty around the same time of year. The severity of your allergies depends heavily on where you live and the weather. For example, trees tend to pollinate early when we have warmer than usual winters. 

Websites such as Pollen.com or The Weather Channel will tell you the pollen level in your ZIP code. Get in the habit of checking these regularly so you can anticipate when spring allergies may be severe. When you know when the pollen count will be high, you can be on the defense and get ahead of the allergy symptoms.

Start Your Allergy Meds Early

No matter where you live, start your allergy medicines about a month before spring usually occurs in your region—and start right away if you begin to experience allergy symptoms. The good news is that most allergy medicines now don’t need a prescription.

Avoid Being Outdoors

While it may be tempting to throw open the windows or enjoy the great outdoors as the weather warms, stay inside when pollen counts are high. If you have pets, wash them more frequently, especially if they have been playing outside for longer periods of time. 

Change the Filters and Get Air Purifiers

Make sure to change the air filters in your home regularly, especially during allergy season, to help remove allergens in the air you breathe. If possible, purchase a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) air purifier. HEPA technology forces air through a fine mesh that traps harmful particles, such as pollen, that other filters may recirculate back into the air of your home.

Rinse Your Sinuses

Using a sinus drain, like a neti pot, can help relieve spring allergies as well. To use a neti pot effectively, tilt your head to the side and allow the solution to go up your nose and come out the other nostril without getting into your ears. Be sure to use distilled or sterile water, or boiled and cooled tap water, to avoid potentially serious infections.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you find that over-the-counter medications and avoiding allergens aren’t working, it may be time to speak to your doctor about your other options. You may need to do some skin and blood tests and your doctor might recommend a series of allergy shots to help you find some relief. 

Relieving Your Spring Allergies in Maryland

Bowie Internal Medicine is committed to treating any conditions you may have, as well as preventing further health complications through preventative care. For more information about managing your allergies, please contact our office to schedule an appointment or ask any questions.