Internal Medicine Prince George’s County: How to Reduce Stress

Internal medicine prince george

Take it from a Prince George Internal Medicine practice: managing stress is a big factor for controlling many chronic health conditions. As a nation, the current COVID-19 situation has many feeling more stress as their lives change.

Keep reading to learn tips to reduce your stress levels.

Tip 1: Reduce Your Consumption of Caffeine, Nicotine, and Alcohol

Many feel that their use of caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol reduce their stress levels. However, all three of these substances have stimulant effects, which have been shown to increase stress overall.

Therefore, it’s best to reduce their use as much as possible in stressful times. Replace them with more hydrating drinks, such as diluted fruit juices, sparkling water,  or herbal teas.

Making more healthy choices increases your health overall.

Tip 2: Get Some Exercise

While staying at home is encouraged these days, it doesn’t mean that you should become more sedentary. Sitting for long periods of time has an adverse effect on your health.

internal medicine prince george

Walk around your house or yard for a few minutes every hour. Many exercise classes are available on televisions or streaming services.

Consider a practice that combines meditation and physical activity, such as yoga.

Exercise improves your sleep and helps reduce your stress hormones. Keep in mind that you should consult your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen.

Tip 3: Get Restful Sleep

Internal medicine doctors in Prince George recommend aiming for 8 hours of sleep per night. Encourage more quality sleep by making your bedroom an oasis.

Sleep hygiene helps increase the likelihood that you will get good sleep. Reading or taking a bath can help you relax before bed time.

Tip 4: Use Relaxation techniques.

During particularly stressful moments, consider using these techniques to relax: deep breathing and progressive relaxation.

To practice deep breathing, follow these directions. Breath in deeply through your nose, expanding your stomach, rather than raising your shoulders.

Then breathe out slowly through your mouth. Repeat several times.

As you practice, you will find the practice more and more effective.

Click here to learn about progressive relaxation.

Tip 5: Talk to Someone

Although we have been encouraged to maintain physical distance, we should not be completely cut off from our friends and family.

Make time to talk with loved ones, friends, or even coworkers. Also, consider sharing with a professional mental health expert.

Internal Medicine Prince George’s County Stress Tips

We hope you have found these stress relieving tips helpful. If you are in need of compassionate and thorough medical care in Prince George county, consider the professionals at Bowie Internal Medicine.

Call (301) 262-8188 or fill out our form for a telemedicine consultation.