Weight Loss Doctor PG County: Help Losing Weight

weight loss doctor pg county

You’re not imagining things: portion sizes have increased dramatically over the past 20 years. Luckily, a weight loss doctor in PG county can be found in the professionals at Bowie Internal Medicine.

Many of the deadliest conditions, such as high blood pressure, cancer, or heart disease, are often tied to obesity. Thankfully, primary care providers can be a great resource to help you start and safely manage a weight loss journey.

How Your Weight Loss Doctor in PG County Can Help

Your doctor knows your medical history and your current health. Furthermore, your doctor will guide you to sound, science-based solutions, rather than profit-oriented fad diets.

Choosing the Best Diet

Your doctor can work with you to pick a diet that will realistically work for you. Most diets work because they reduce calorie intake.

Furthermore, they tend to fail when the restrictions don’t match your lifestyle. A weight loss doctor knows ho to take this into account when creating a nutrition plan for you.

Plus, if you have a medical condition, your doctor will know how to steer you away from diets that could be harmful to you.

Selecting an Effective Exercise Plan

Some live for their time in the gym, others could not care less. Still others may be limited by mobility issues or health conditions.

Your doctor can tailor an exercise regimen that is safe for you and informed by your preferences. Plus, your doctor can offer valuable perspective.

Being able to be more active with your family can be a worthwhile achievement. Follow up appointments or check-ins can go a long way to keeping you accountable to this new routine.

Suggesting Medical Solutions

For some individuals, lifestyle changes may not be enough to achieve results needed to truly improve your health and promote weight loss.

In this case, your doctor will know when it is appropriate to suggest medical solutions, such as weight loss medication or bariatric surgery.

Weight Loss Doctor PG County

If you’re looking for a weight loss doctor in PG County, consider the caring professionals at Bowie Internal Medicine. Call (301) 262-8188 or fill out our form for a telemedicine consultation.