Women’s Health in Maryland | 8 Common Health Issues Related to Women’s Health.

While both men and women contract various different diseases and health conditions, women are affected very differently by some of them than men and most drug trials don’t even involve women as test subjects. There are also a few conditions that only affect women such as breast cancer, cervix cancer, and pregnancy. The following 8 health issues related to women’s health are why it is so important to keep up with your annual exams and appointments.

Heart Disease

In the United States, heart disease causes one in every four deaths among women. While heart disease affects both men and women, there seems to be a lack of education and concern about the condition among the female population. Only 54 percent of women realize that heart disease is the top health condition threatening their gender. During your annual exams here at Bowie Health, your doctor will keep track of your vitals and check your heart to ensure that it is healthy.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer, which typically originates in the lining of the milk ducts, can spread to other organs and is the most aggressive cancer affecting the global female population. Ironically enough, this disease is found more prominently in females in developed countries because of their extended life spans. Women typically get lumps in their breasts as the initial sign of breast cancer. While lumps may not always be breast cancer, it is important to have your annual checkup. 

Ovarian and Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer originates in the lower uterus, while ovarian cancer starts in the fallopian tubes. While both conditions cause similar pain, cervical cancer also causes discharge and pain during intercourse. While your annual pap smear will not detect ovarian cancer, it can detect and diagnose cervical cancer. Prevention of these issues means scheduling your annual gynecologist and physical exams with Bowie Health. 

Gynecological Health

While bleeding and discharge are a normal part of the menstrual cycle, added symptoms could indicate health issues. Other vaginal issues could include sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or reproductive tract cancer. While the treatment for mild infections is fairly easy, if the issues go unchecked, it could lead to worsening conditions such as infertility or kidney failure.

Pregnancy Issues

Pre-existing conditions can worsen during pregnancy which could cause great harm to the mother or child. Conditions like depression, diabetes, and asthma are common pre-existing conditions that could become very risky if not managed properly.

Pregnancy can also induce depression and cause women’s blood count to drop making them anemic. Regular checkups and tests with your provider can help reduce the chances of the issues.

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune disease occurs when body cells that eliminate threats, such as viruses, attack healthy cells. Researchers have no idea why these diseases affect mostly women. Some of the symptoms include:

● Exhaustion

● Mild fever

● Pain

● Skin irritation

● Vertigo


Osteoporosis affects the bones, weakening them and causing them to break more easily. There are several different symptoms that could cause this disease that again, is found mainly in women. Those symptoms include:

● Age

● Alcohol consumption

● Certain prescriptions

● Genetics

● Lack of exercise

● Low body mass

● Smoking

● Steroid use

Depression and Anxiety

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurs most commonly among women. Another health issue among women is new mothers experiencing the “baby blues” or postpartum depression which can cause emotional shifts, sadness, and tiredness. Perimenopause can also cause depression. All of these women’s health issues are considered natural hormone shifts but our providers can provide relief with prescriptions and/or therapeutic treatments. 

Women’s Health in Maryland

Most of these common issues among women are preventable and treatable with proper women’s health care. Gynecological screenings can provide the foundation for investigating fertility issues, birth control, family planning, reproductive organ cancer, and sexual health. Here at Bowie Internal Medicine, we are dedicated to providing quality care and education for any of your conditions as well as preventing any further health issues.

An annual exam that covers both gynecological and whole-body matters creates a picture that allows you and your doctor to spot the signs of trouble early. Health conditions treated in their early stages are easier to cure or manage. Bowie Internal Medicine has the advantage of being able to offer routine gynecological exams and procedures, while also providing the health exams an annual physical entails. Contact our office with any questions or to schedule an appointment.