Liver Disease | Know the Signs

Knowing the signs of liver disease is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment. Keep reading to learn our Internal Medicine doctors near PG County manage this disease.

Understanding the signs, symptoms, and most importantly seeking immediate medical attention from an internal medicine practice could be the difference to get your health back on track. 

Liver disease, also known as cirrhosis, occurs when scar tissue has replaced healthy liver tissue and causes the liver to cease proper functioning.

Why Is the Liver Important?

Your liver is not only the largest internal organ is your body, but it performs various important services to help keep you functioning healthily.

 Your liver is able to remove the toxins and medicines out of your body and aids in the digestion process of your food by creating bile in your body.

 Your liver is also able to store the sugar you consume in order to translate that to energy.

 Lastly, your liver is able to create new proteins within your body.

What are the Symptoms of Liver Disease?

If you believe you might be suffering from liver disease it is vital that you seek medical attention immediately.

 The most common symptoms of liver disease include the following:

·      Jaundice

·      Kidney Failure

·      Bruising

·      Gallstones

·      Fluid buildup in the stomach

·      Vomiting blood

·      Itching

·      Muscle Loss

·      Loss of Appetite

·      Weight Loss

·      Fatigue

What Causes Liver Disease?

There are many causes of liver disease, but among the most common are viruses such as Hepatitis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

 Perhaps the most commonly associated cause for liver disease is long term alcohol abuse.

 When your liver shuts down, the blood flow that generally goes through your liver is stopped which prevents proper functioning and can eventually lead to complete liver failure.

How are you Tested for Liver Disease?

Your doctor will evaluate your liver health by first assessing your general health history and then conducting a physical exam. A non-invasive test called a fibroscan may be helpful as well.

 Doctors may also perform a blood test or a liver biopsy if necessary.

Where to Seek Treatment?

If you or your loved one think you might be suffering from liver disease it is vital that you seek medical treatment immediately.

 At Bowie Internal Medicine our staff is specially trained and committed to your liver health. Call us today to schedule a consultation at (301)262-8188.