What is a FibroScan: Five Facts You May Not Know

A FibroScan is an effortless and non-intrusive procedure designed to precisely evaluate liver health. It involves placing a probe on the skin's surface. Getting a FibroScan in Maryland is easy with the help of our experts at Bowie Internal Medicine.

By utilizing both an elastic wave, created by a mechanical pulse, and ultrasound technology, the procedure measures the liver's stiffness through a numerical value. This stiffness measurement can reveal liver scarring (fibrosis), a condition that may progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Let's delve deeper into understanding what a FibroScan entails.

A Fibroscan is Quick and Painless

A FibroScan is a swift, non-invasive procedure that typically takes less than 10 minutes to complete. It offers a painless and efficient method of evaluating liver health, largely supplanting the need for traditional liver biopsies. Its rapid assessment capability provides crucial insights into liver health, marking a significant advancement in liver medicine.

It Spots Early Signs of Liver Damage

The liver is resilient, capable of enduring years of damage while repairing itself and safeguarding the body. However, its resilience also means that signs of distress may be minimal until it reaches advanced stages of failure. By then, irreversible damage may have occurred before symptoms appear. A FibroScan offers a fast, straightforward, and safe way to detect early signs of liver damage that might otherwise go unnoticed, providing crucial opportunities for timely intervention.

It Gives an Accurate Diagnosis

A FibroScan assesses liver fibrosis, indicating scarring caused by conditions like metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, chronic viral hepatitis, or excessive alcohol consumption. When substantial damage is identified, specialized medical evaluation is necessary to determine the underlying cause and manage the condition effectively. In cases of minimal or no scarring, lifestyle changes often suffice to prevent liver disease or halt its progression.

It Reduces the Need For a Liver Biopsy

The traditional approach to assessing liver health involves a liver biopsy, which is an invasive procedure requiring removal and testing of a liver tissue sample. This method is not only costly but also typically involves an overnight hospital stay. Moreover, there's a risk that the biopsy sample may not accurately represent the overall liver health, leading to varied interpretations by different pathologists. Getting a FibroScan in Maryland makes it easy to asses the liver without the overnight stay. Getting a FibroScan in Maryland makes it easy to asses the liver without the overnight stay.

It Can Easily Monitor Changes in Liver Disease

A FibroScan can be used as often as needed to monitor the progression, stability, or improvement of liver disease post-diagnosis. Its ability to deliver precise, quantitative assessments of liver damage makes it ideal for evaluating the effectiveness of treatments or lifestyle modifications aimed at managing liver health.

Getting a FibroScan in Maryland

With early detection, liver fibrosis (scarring) can sometimes be reversed by adopting healthier lifestyle habits. Understanding your risk factors for liver disease is key to preventing fibrosis in the long term. If you're worried about your liver health, contactBowie Health today.